Thursday, March 31, 2011

Quick update

A couple new videos will be up pretty soon.
Possibly in 720p, too, if my compy will cooperate with me.

Also, the 3DS is AMAZING.
The launch titles aren't so great, but the stuff that came with the system is enough for me, until some better games come out.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

A somewhat unfortunate announcement...

The Dreamcast 2 will not be coming out this year.
My sincerest apologies to Mr. Apicary.

Seriously though, I planned on making this a long post about how even though I'd love to do the rest of the Sonic 4 videos, I just can't seem to get them done, so I'll be "postponing" them until further notice.
BUT, halfway through writing the thing I decided to wait a little longer before proclaiming the project dea- I mean... well, actually, yeah, dead.
My biggest problems at the moment are:

1. I have very little time to record anything without interruptions.

2. While I can already play most everything else perfectly, I have no idea what to do for the last zone. I can play the songs, I just can't find a way to make them sound good on the piano. I thought about maybe combining piano with LSDJ, but I don't think that'd work out too well either.

I may be able to record some more videos soon though, so maybe I'll get the rest of Splash Hill and Casino Night done.
I really don't want to cancel this.

EDIT: I forgot to say that if I DID/DO cancel it, I would still at least release mp3s of each one, since I could just hook up this little keyboard to Garage Band and record 'em.
The only reason I haven't recorded the audio for the videos like that yet, is because it's not a full length keyboard, so I'd have to record the hands separately for some of the songs (change the octave setting for the left hand when I record it), and I prefer using an actual piano anyway.

I did want to release ONLY Sonic 4 stuff until I was finished, but at this point, that probably won't happen.
I have plenty of other songs I wanted to have uploaded by now, but I didn't because I was hoping to finish Sonic 4 first.
So, you can expect the Birabuto Kingdom music from Super Mario Land, the Super Mario 64 main theme, Bubbly Clouds from Kirby's Dreamland, and a few others I won't mention yet, soon.

Monday, January 31, 2011

The obligatory January post

Because I'd feel weird if I left a month long gap in there.
I don't really have the time to write anything too long at the moment,
and I don't really feel like writing a bunch of stuff right now either, so I'll probably cheat and edit this post tomorrow.

..Or maybe in a week or two, since I seem to go by Valve time with these things quite a bit.
Hopefully not though.

Apparently for some reason I've been following two blogs about nail polish.
No idea how that happened.